Writing Samples
My first published work was a poem in "I Never Promised You a Rod McKuen" when I was twelve. I had several of my poems published in my junior high school's Journal, and I won second place in the speech contest. Throughout my teens I had several letters to the editor published in the local newspaper.
Answers to Abuse
After enduring several years of counseling myself, I decided to document what was actually helpful. Using a Master Document on Word, I composed a fourteen chapter book with footnotes and annotated bibliography, and then published it for free on-line.
Color Phonics® Teacher's Manual
Though my husband wrote the specs, and one of his team wrote the index and placed the pictures, I wrote the Teacher's Manual for Color Phonics®. The program is contained of five CDs, and the manual was over 100 pages.
Color Phonics® Patent
The color-assonant phonetics system I incorporated into Color Phonics® was unique. My first attempts at writing a patent application were based upon the little information given from the US patent website. But with further research and determination, my patent application became acceptable.
Children's Book Series
After writing children's stories included in Color Phonics®, I continued to write a series called, "I Love My . . .". For my birthday, my husband took one of the stories, added clip art, and published it on our website. To view the story go to website and select "Projects", then click on "I Love My Neighbor".
Children's Animation Script
My husband wrote the first script for the Kingdom Under the Sea™ series. Then he wrote the first scene for the second script and hired me to finish it.
Unblocked! Dysgraphia Workbooks
My son has dysgraphia, but found block style letters made his writing legible. I designed a block style writing curriculum for him and a clinical version as well. To view Unblocked! workbooks go to website and select "Special Needs", then click on "Unblocked!".
One Nation Under God
I wrote the American history curriculum for the 3D game "One Nation Under God". The lesson overviews provide the information given in the game.
Short Story
While reading historic novels by Bodie and Brock Thoene, I kept wondering which parts were factual. I decided to footnote a piece of historic fiction.
Bible Study for Women
After concluding a women's Bible study, I wrote a little e-book titled "Thorny Scriptures about Women."
American King James Bible Version
My husband wrote a modern for archaic word substitution program for the King James Bible. Since words like "ought" can be either a noun or a verb, I edited the resulting file and formatted it for two column printing as a whole Bible (700 pages) and as the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs.
I spent three years researching, writing, and creating maps and charts, and then another year editing "Pharaohs of the Bible 4004-960 B.C." and turned the book into an interactive timeline. The subtitle is "A Unifying High Chronology of Egypt based on a High View of Scripture;" and to my knowledge it is the only chronology of the Bible which faithfully integrates the chronologies of the other ancient empires in accordance to their archaeological evidence.